Friday, September 11, 2009

Reflection # 6

Reflection Paper#6:Why was the invention of writing so crucial to the establishment of the world's great ancient civilizations.

Writing is the reason that I am able to communicate with you without being in your presence, speaking or using any type of sign language. Writing is the main reason man has evolved and ancient civilizations have bloomed. It is widely accepted that humans began drawing picture as early as 40, 000 years ago. Actual writing is thought to have originated in three different places, China, Mexico and Africa. First in Africa by the Sumerians in 3100 and 2000BC. Next in Mexico by the Mayans before 400BC. The last original place is thought to be in Northern China by 1200BC. The first species of man capable of some sort of writing was homo erectus. From homo erectus evolved many species of man until civilizations were created. All the great ancient civilizations thrived on the creation of writing. Writing was and is used for things like textbooks, literature, the invention of money, the identification of property and many more. Without out writing man would not have orderly civilizations and would be reduced to that of a chimpanzee.

During the times of ancient civilizations the invention of writing made it easy for these civilizations to flourish. People were now keeping track of their money, the dead people, property and knowledge of the land. It began with cuneiform, writing carved into clay and then dried.With the evolution of writing came the development of  mathematics, astrology, science, religion and literature. People were able to create and pass down culture now.Also, writing allowed rituals and traditions to be kept and maintained. Picture a day without writing, can you function without the greatest invention of civilization.

As a result, many myths and gods were created and held responsible for the creation of writing.For instance, in Egypt the believed in Thoth, who was said to be the scribe and historian of the gods, he was said to be responsible for art, speech and science. It was also an Egyptian belief that to attain immortality one must have his or her name spoken or written somewhere forever. The Sumerians believed in a god named Enlil, the creator of writing. During the Babylonian civilization the god named Nabu was credited with the invention of writing. To the Mayans the god of writing was Itzamna. Itzamna was also believed to be the creator of the world, a shaman sorcerer.In China the invention of writing was credited to an ancient sage named Ts'ang Cheich.

 An invention so great it pushed evolution forward, a creation so inspiring man later developed thriving civilizations, all because of writing.

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